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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

*** (3) Key Factors For Success/Free Advertising Resources *** {591}

 πŸ’²When you're involved with network or affiliate marketing, do you ever wonder why some people are making money, and others aren't, even though the opportunity and the product may be very good, and in high demand? It all comes down to how you're promoting your offers...

I'm sure we've all been down that road at some point in our journey for success, especially in the beginning before we really truly understand what we're doing wrong...

There are (3) key factors involved when trying to make money in this industry, and I'm going to talk a little bit about them...

1) Building an email list:

This is absolutley crucial. You've heard the term, the money is in the list? That couldn't be more true. You must always be talking to people. Sorting and sifting through the rubble until you find your key players. You're going to talk to thousands of people just to find your 5-6 go-getters. That's just how it works. Cherrish every email address or contact info you get. Promote, Promote, Promote!!!

2) Being consistent with your follow ups:

Me: Everytime someone comes to my website and types their email address into the box, to request the 3 minute video, my Autoresponder captures their info in which I get an automated email letting me know the persons contact info, and I send them an introductory message with more info about List Infinity, and you should do the same. By following up regulary this is the key to converting subscribers into paid members. My motto is follow up until they buy or die, because this helps your leads get to know and trust you a little more. Just because someone doesn't join today, doesn't mean they won't join tomorrow, or next year... (I currently have over 120 million leads and counting) Following up can be at your convenience. Daily, weekly, or monthly, just make sure you're doing it...

3) Focus on recurring income:

This is the foundation of long term success. You are going to have people come and go in your business, don't take it personally because it doesn't matter if you're the second coming of Jesus ChristπŸ™, it's going to happen. Just continue to focus your efforts on the (3) things I talked about and treat it like a business and not a hobby, and you will do so much better... 

List Infinity is all about leverage which is recurring income. We have (4) product packages. $7/$25/$100/$300 and you receive your downlines 5th sale to infinity. Think about that for a minute. You bring in 100 people into your business in the next 2-5 years, and let's say that they all bring in 5 people. Thats 100 sales passed up to @ $7 per person, which I can guarantee they all won't upgrade at the $7 level. But for this example, you made $700 in leveraged income and you did absolutely nothing on your own to earn that money. How cool is that...

Once you really start to focus on these (3) things, the money will start flooding your account/s at a much quicker rate, so how about joining me so we can all make more πŸ’° together. All you have to do is click the link below, and get started today. If you need to find out more before joining, scroll down the page and click the link and you will be taken to another one of my posts where I created a complete breakdown of our program. At the time of this post we are just under 3 years old, and have over 8,200 members and growing daily...

{Note}: Anything I've created is also yours to use as you see fit. Just make sure to take out my info, and input yours. Once you start to build your list, you can send them the same emails I send you. I can't make you successful, that's all on you, but I can definitely make your job much easier, and much less time consuming. There aren't many sponsors like me, but that's only because I care about your success!!!

https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/16 πŸ‘ˆ (A call to action)


“A wise man once said…” πŸ’°

There was once a wise man who people have been coming to and complaining about the same problems.

Then one day the wise man told them a joke.

πŸ˜†Everyone roared in laughter.

After a few minutes, he told the same joke and only a few of them smiled. Then he told the same joke for a third time and no one laughed anymore.

That’s when the wise man smiled and said:

You can’t laugh at the same joke over and over. So why are you always crying about the same problem?

That story made me laugh when I first heard it.

Yet it inspired me to always go and solve the obstacles I face in my online business instead of complaining about them which doesn’t do me any good.

So next time you're complaining about your online business, think of this story of the wise man.


πŸ’―https://rbrier2323.blogspot.com/2023/05/welcome-to-list-infinity-info-page.html  (List Infinity Complete Breakdown Page) There are 4 other links at the bottom of the page all pertaining to List Infinity, such as our Video Marketing Tutorials, and the complete setup process which I created myself, along with the back office area...


{Pre-written AD}:

FINALLY Succeed Online!

Quit failing online in Crappy Programs, No Selling, Explaining, or Any Convincing!

Simply Copycat Me to a T..!!! Quit Failing Online, YES, the Top People On The Web Truly Do Receive Serious Cash.


There is NO Hype, NO Boss, NO MLM! 

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/17 πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now)

(Your contact info)


πŸ™Share Your Advertising Resources

What I am seeing is that those people who are offering to share Advertising Resources with their Tour Takers when they upgrade, well these people are making more sales, more M0NEY!

If you have Advertising Resources that you can share with your people, here are 3 paragraphs that you should include in ``All`` the emails that you send to your Tour Takers.

Join my Team today at the Package Level of your choosing, and I will provide you with list of my Best Advertising Resources to ensure you get off to a FAST start!

The reason why most people fail online is because they do not know where to promote. With my list of Advertising Resources you will never have that problem again! These are the EXACT same places I use to make mon-ey with List Infinity, and if I can do it, you can do it too!

You can even use this list of Advertising Resources just like I am to help you close your sales at List Infinity! Tell your people that you will send them a list of your Best Advertising  Resources list when they upgrade to a List Infinity paid member and purchase one of the (4) Product Packages. All you have to do is copy and paste these last 3 paragraphs when you email your Tour Takers. It really does work!

πŸ’šhttps://listinfinity.net/rick2323/18 πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now)


{Advertising Resources}

1) https://rbrier2323.blogspot.com/2023/05/welcome-aboard-list-infinity-new.html  (Approximately 2000 FREE sites)

2) πŸ’– https://www.seokhazana.com/usa-classified-sites-list/3/ (200 FREE advertising sites)

You don't have to create an account on these sites...It's quick and easy to post...You will also get around 1,000 pre-written ADS to use at your convenience just from my blog posts...
The (3) sites below will allow you to post many ADS very quickly!
1) http://www.qwikad.com - Post up to 20 ADS every 24 hours worldwide! (Create FREE Account)
2) http://www.classifiedads.com - Post as many ADS as you like! No limit! (Create FREE Account)
3) https://classifiedsforfree.com/ - Post as many ADS as you like! No Limit! (Create FREE Account)
πŸ˜€If you join me @ List Infinity I will also help you with your advertising because I'm grandfathered into Herculist (dot) com, and allowed to make 1 post every 24 hours to the entire data base of over 378,000 + worldwide members. I will make random posts on your behalf with your Affiliate link, and send you a copy of what I post with the AD I used, and how many members received it. This site grows daily..
πŸ’–https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/16πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now)


On the streets of Oakland, two young activists ignited a movement that would shake America to its core, challenging systemic racism with raised fists, leather jackets, and a ten-point program that demanded nothing less than full liberation. Continue Reading ...


“Don’t let someone else’s opinion of you become your reality.” —Les Brown

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

*** Can 1 Simple Strategy Lead You To Financial Freedom?/Lead Capture Page Tips/List Infinity Has 18 Capture Pages *** {590}

This simple but effective strategy, automating your savings, and all personal investments can help you create financial freedom. By automating your accounts you can consistently be slowly building wealth, easily for the future without really even trying...

Let your money work for you, instead of the other way around. How great would it be to be living a life stress free of debt. It's taken a long time, and a lot of trial and error for me, but I'm finally there, and it feel great. One less headache to have, because let's face it, life gets difficult and throws a lot of curve balls at you... 

Sadly about 98% of the work force lives paycheck to paycheck, and with AI - Artificial Intelligence here, it has been said that within the next 5-7 years 300-400 million people will lose there jobs worldwide, so don't let that be you. Make sure you have a plan B, even if it's "NOT" by joining me...

By joining an online opportunity, you're able to create multiple streams of income, which is what you want. People with jobs have been programed to think that they need that job to survive, and that's simply not the case. I was one of those people as well, so I'm not trying to judge you. I only wish to help you because I know what's coming, and it's not going to be good...

I can guarantee that the job you're working isn't allowing you to save a dime for the future. You're working that dead end job which in most cases, I'm sure you don't like. You're spending most of your day away from your family, and the people you care about. You're probably in a bad mood most of the time because you have a boss that you dispice and would like to shove off of a bridge. Believe me, I was there as well, but I made the decision to change my life because I was sick of the daily grind just to make ends meat. I worked for 20 years in factories and it wasn't fun at all...

Plus with all that was said in my post, you aren't even factoring in the "STRESS" caused by all of this, and it's the silent killer of all men and women. You should be able to get up whenever you like, and do what you want, when you want, and be able to alleviate some of that daily stress...

By creating multiple streams of income, you're able to build for the future, and you're able to leave a nice nest egg to your family, but all you have to do is get involved. By just starting you can take great advantage of your savings and investments...

I've been involved with Network Marketing since 2006, and I'm not going to lie, it has been a bumpy road for sure, but I stuck with it, and it has paid off, and I think one of the simplest methods to start creating multiple streams of passive income without killing yourself at a second job, is Affiliate Marketing...

By simply mastering a few strategies on how to drive traffic to your offers, capture email address, and send offers to your list, you can create passive income streams that pays you for life, and I can teach you how...

With List Infinity you can join us for under $30 and make an unlimited amount of money all just working 1-2 hpours per day. The work really isn't even that hard. You're simply finding different ways to advertise. (Get your offers out there for other to see). I use FREE/PAID/& OFFLINE methods for best results... πŸš€ πŸš€ πŸš€ 

I really hope my post resonates with some of you, and you will contact me, because I'm very passionate about what I do, and I really enjoy helping others solve a problem when I can...

πŸ’₯Terre Haute Indiana (USA)

πŸ‘‰ https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/18 πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now)


πŸ’―Powerful Advice From The Late Jim Rohn. 

πŸ’―The late Jim Rohn once said “You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with”

This means that your success in all areas of your life, whether that's relationships, finances or business...

Your success equals the average of the 5 people's successes that you spend the most time with. πŸ§‘‍πŸ­πŸ§‘‍πŸ”§πŸ§‘‍⚕️πŸ§‘‍πŸ”¬πŸ§‘‍✈️

Now get this... imagine spending most of your time with people like Jim Rohn himself, Tony Robbins, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg or even Warren Buffett...

How much more successful could you be? 

How many more great ideas could you come up with? 

How much knowledge would you be able to absorb?

πŸ’₯ https://www.facebook.com/groups/453863985109222 (List Infinity Group Page)

πŸ˜€https://www.facebook.com/groups/1905724023176917 (Affiliate Marketers Hub - ADMIN)



Lead Capture Page Tips...This Is Where The Money's @...


Also known as the "Name Squeeze Page" or "Landing page", you can build your mailing list by funneling all of your would be subscribers through the creation of a lead capture page. 

Not only do you do the work just once, your traffic driving efforts can be focused onto just one effective method.

The following are tips in creating a successful lead capture page that converts visitors into subscribers on a very huge percentage.

*Success Tip 1- Offer a FREEBIE in exchange for your visitors E-mail address.You can offer a special report or sample of your paid product to your visitor in exchange for their details such as name and E-mail address.

*Success Tip 2- The Lead capture page must be written professionally. When writing your page, treat it as if you are writing a sales letter. While you are not necessarily making a hard sale or try to get someone to buyyour product up front   able to entice your visitors to give their details to you is just as important as selling.

*Success Tip 3- Other than your Opt-in form and perhaps important disclaimers and terms, there shouldn't be any other links on your lead capture page.

*Success Tip 4- Rub in the benefits of the freebie you are offering more than a mere subscription to your newsletter.You should focus most of the attention of the letter on encouraging your prospective visitor to download your FREE OFFER. Later, you gently remind your prospect that he or she has nothing to pay but just merely subscribe to your newsletter in exchange for the freebie.

-As a final reminder and conclussion on creating your lead capture page; In order to build trust, You can include your hand-written signature or a photo of yourself explaining where you are coming from and how you can help your visitor through your free report...

πŸ’œhttps://listinfinity.net/rick2323/9 πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now)


{Pre-Written AD}:

Fastest Ca$h You Will Ever Earn!

This will make you forget the job market.

==>WATCH THIS. https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/elite πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now)

*No B.S.
*No fluff.
*No false promises.
*Just plain, simple, awesome job crushing info.
*Pink slip? Fantastic.
*You need to check this out: πŸ‘‡

==>Do You Really Need A Job Anymore?

πŸ’šhttps://listinfinity.net/rick2323/17 πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now)

πŸ’–https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/18 πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now)


High above the Mojave Desert, a daring Air Force pilot pushed his experimental aircraft to the limit, shattering not just the sound barrier but also the boundaries of human flight, ushering in a new era of aviation. Continue Reading ...


“I have stood on a mountain of no’s for one yes.” —Barbara Elaine Smith

Sunday, October 13, 2024

*** My 10 Step Process (List Infinity) Aweber Updates (Autoresponder) *** {589}

πŸ’― Today I'm going to recap the process involved with List Infinity, step by step because I want to make things as easy as possible while taking out the guess work. Just follow the steps below exactly how I lay it out and the entire process will go much more smoothly...

1) Click the link below and type in your email address to request the 3 minute video, and then take the FREE tour so you can see if this will be a good fit for you...

πŸ‘‰ https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/13 πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now)

2) And while you're taking the FREE tour, I will be sending you an email with more information, so you can check it out, and decide if this will be a good fit for you...

3) If you decide to join us, you will go back to my link and make your 1 time sponsor fee payment. ($7/$25/$100/$300). and then you would make your 1 time ADMIN fee payment. ($10/$25/$80). There is NO admin fee involved if you choose the $7 package. I can be paid via (Paypal, Venmo, Payoneer, Western Union, & Money Gram) I will then make sure payment went through, and if it did, I will accept payment, and if not, I will deny. You will recieve an email from the system either way letting you know about your payment...

4) Assuming your payment went through, you are now a paid member of List Infinity, and you will receive a "WELCOME ABOARD" Email from me in order to help get you started...

5) Your next step is to setup your system which should take around 30 minuyes or so, and there are short video tutorials along withn one of my blog posts to help you do that. Just login to your account and click system setup which is just under dashboard on the left side of the page. Make sure you get your Autoresponder messages transported to ther system and if you use Aweber which is what I use because it's probably the best. You just have to type a code into the box and that's it. You can see all of this on setup videos. If you have any problems you can go to AWEBER's website and send a support ticket and they will help you with the process...

6) Now you should be all setup, and ready to get started. My suggestion is to learn your system, and watch 1 video per day so you csan get acclimated to the system. And post a few FREE ADS, (Copy & Paste) is fine. My welcome aboard email has a Pre-Written AD, and some places to post your ADS. You're just creating FREE accounts, and loging in to make your posts. If you can post 10 ADS per day unilt you get better, than do that...

7) So you will be learning the system, Posting some ADS, and you do have access to google, YouTube, and my daily emails to help you with the learning process. You must give yourself time to succeed, and you have to look at this in terms of a 5 year plan working 1-2 hours per day...If you can do that, you might be surprised at what you can accomplish... You will have 18 lead capture pages at your disposal to use as youn wish...

8) At some point you should create a follow up email for your Subscribers, OR you're welcome to use mine, and anything I have because I want you to be successful...I also have an email for all new members that I created in order to make the process as Simple as possible for me and my TEAM.. 

9) At some point, I would also recommend joining πŸ‘‡ the List Infinity goup page on Facebook...

πŸ‘‰ https://www.facebook.com/groups/453863985109222 πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now)

10) Also Join Affiliate Marketers Hub πŸ‘‡ on Facebook. I'm the ADMIN...

πŸ‘‰ https://www.facebook.com/groups/1905724023176917 πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now)


*You will receive a series of emails from me daily for a few weeks with 1 page of 25 links to each blog post, until you receive them all. You are also on my mailing list in which you will always be receiving tips and tutorials to help with the learning process. 

I will be sending you FREE downloadable ebooks to use as you wish. This can be used as a FREE gift, in ordert to get someone's email address, because building your list is of top priority, and you will always want to follow up with them all at your convenience...

You will be receiving all the leads you can handle because I have over 120 million and counting. Both Cold and Hot leads. I send out emails to 1000 leads daily with content in order to entice them to join me, and we are a worldwide opportunity. This is a numbers game, and you will sift and sort through thousands, just to find a select few that will help build your business because every 5th sale from your downline, is a pass up sale to you, which is how you create leveraged passive income...

I will randonly be posting ADS on your behalf and sending you a copy of what I post, and one of the better sites I use is Herculist (dot) com. They have 378,000+ members worldwide and growing daily. I'm grandfathered in where I don't ever have to pay again, and am allowed to post 1 FREE AD every 24 hours. I will send your link instead of mine...

You will recieve an unlimited supply of Pre-written ADS and places to post them. Most of my blog posts have ADS on them, and members are welcome to use them as they wish. I would say that I have around 1000 ADS, and probably around 2000 FREE websites to post them on. I've done most of the hard work for you...

{Final thought}

After you get acclimated to the sytem and feel more comfortable with what you're doing, We can talk and figure out 3-4 different methods of advertising you can use. I have many to choose from, but you can choose a few and get good at those. For best results I use FREE/PAID/& OFFLINE methods, and later once you start making a few sales, I will show you some very inexpensive ways to generate more leads to your business. You must work it everyday for 1-2 hours per day while building your list. This doesn't have to be difficult orn expensive, Just focus on one opportunity for a few years and I think it will have been well worth your time and effort. If you have any question, comments, or concerns, please contact me and I will be happy to address those. I'm always creating new content ojn posts, and you will have access to them all, just make sure if you use anything of mine that you takemmy info out, and use yours...

😭 You better have a plan "B" because it has been said that AI - Artificial Intellegence will eliminate around 300-400 million JOBS worldwide within the next 5-7 years, so don't let that be you!!!

{Important News Pertaining To List Infinity:}

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/17 πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now)

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/18 πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now)

(2) Brand new capture pages for paid members to use as they wish...


This is my Aweber badge from when I first joined List Infinity, and it shows that I received my first 100 subscribers at that time. I am now a year into List Infinity, and have over 500 subscribers into my business, and growing daily.. If you join me, I can help show you the way as well... πŸ‘‡ 

πŸ’―Earn more with Aweber. (Autoresponder) πŸ’° !!! (List Infinity) Rick Brier/Sponsor πŸ™πŸ”₯πŸ™‚

😎Valued Subscriber/Prospect,

πŸ’―I hope this email finds you well. Today I'm going to show you 3 ways to grow your online commissions...

πŸ“ˆ 3 Top Ways to Grow Your Commissions    

When you’re in the market for a product or service, how do you choose which company is the best fit for you?


For me the process is simple, first I’ll ask people I know what they recommend. This first hand, user experience is important in helping me make that decision.


But as an affiliate marketer you may not have a personal relationship with everyone you’re recommending a product to. So how can you help people purchase the product or service you’re recommending?


Here are 3 ways you can grow your commissions when referring to AWeber.


1 - Solve a problem

Show your audience how to solve a specific problem or achieve a goal—then talk about how email marketing, using AWeber, is the solution. When your audience sees AWeber as the solution to their problem, they’ll be more likely to sign up through your referral link.


2 - Neutral review of products

Compare AWeber to other email providers. As people are getting closer to making a decision, they start comparing different options. Your comparison guide should compare price, features, and service.


To help your referrals, position AWeber as the first reviewed product and after reviewing other email providers share your opinion on why someone should choose AWeber.


3 - Success stories

I love reading about the accomplishments people have using a product or service I’m interested in. It helps me envision what I can achieve. 


So share your story. Why do you love AWeber? What stories of success can you share?


Here are a few things to consider:

  • How has the customer service team helped you?
  • How has your list grown since using AWeber?
  • Have your sales increased?
  • How are your email metrics like opens and clicks?


Where to promote 

Now that you have some ideas on how to refer AWeber, let’s review some ideas where to promote:

  • In a YouTube video, include your referral link in the description
  • In a blog post, including multiple links in the content
  • Create a TikTok video or Instagram Reel with a link in the description and link bio
  • Solve a problem and share your success stories in a newsletter
  • Create an online course or ebook and advertise it on Facebook 

πŸ‘Starting NOW...  πŸš€ πŸš€ πŸš€  ($7)/($25)/($100)/($300) - Pick your package, and let's get you making money!

πŸ€P.S. We recently received a new lead capture page #16. Check it out =>  (https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/16)

⏰ P.P.S. Can you devote 1-2 hours daily to change your lifestyle over an extended period of time?

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing—that’s why we recommend it daily.” πŸ”₯πŸ’₯⭐


πŸ’― Aweber update... πŸ’° !!! (List Infinity) Rick Brier/Sponsor πŸ™πŸ”₯πŸ™‚

😎Valued Subscriber/Prospect,     

πŸ”” Important Policy update (Aweber) {Autoresponder}

Effective October 7, 2024, we have updated our commission payout structure: πŸ’²πŸ’²πŸ’²

30% Commission:

For referring 0 – 99 new paid accounts within a trailing 12-month period.

40% Commission:

For referring 100 – 499 new paid accounts within a trailing 12-month period.

50% Commission:

For referring 500+ new paid accounts within a trailing 12-month period. πŸ§‘‍✈️πŸ§‘‍πŸ”¬πŸ§‘‍⚕️πŸ§‘‍πŸ”§πŸ§‘‍🏭

Advocates currently in the 40% - 50% commission tier will remain in that tier unless your trailing 12-month referrals drop below the previous tier levels.

Join List Infinity today, for just $7, and use AWEBER as your Autoresponder for just $19.99 per month, or $239.99 Yearly which is what I pay!

List Infinity + Aweber = $27 for your very own Affiliate Marketing Business. πŸ‘‡

πŸ‘Starting NOW...  πŸš€ πŸš€ πŸš€  ($7)/($25)/($100)/($300) - Pick your package, and let's get you making money!

πŸ€P.S. We recently received a new lead capture page #16. Check it out =>  (https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/16)

⏰ P.P.S. Can you devote 1-2 hours daily to change your lifestyle over an extended period of time?

“When you change your thoughts, remember to also change your world.” ⭐πŸ’₯πŸ”₯

Rick Brier (List Infinity Sponsor)πŸ‘Š
18 years in the industry! ✨πŸ’«
A top earner with the Daily Income Network & DigiSoft Payline! πŸ‘ˆ

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/elite  (Click the link, and get started today!)

πŸ’›https://www.facebook.com/groups/listinfinity (List Infinity Group Page) - 8.2K Members & growing daily!

Have a great day and God Bless! πŸ’œ ♥️ πŸ’ͺ πŸ«Ά

{Pre-Written AD}

A Proven Successful Cash System That Works

I used to struggle with online marketing for years.

Making an income was so difficult for me.

If I could go back in time, and I could give myself a gift.

Something that can truly help me.

So this is my gift to you.

Is it super sexy? No. Are there any guarantees? No.

But I can tell you from my personal experience it has worked extremely well for me.

Click The Link To Get Started

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/7  πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now)

(Your Contact Info)


On a crisp autumn day in 1845, amid the gentle lapping of Chesapeake Bay waters, a fledgling nation planted the seeds of naval supremacy. Continue Reading ...


Stay away from those people who try to disparage your ambitions. Small minds will always do that, but great minds will give you a feeling that you can become great too.” —Mark Twain